The Mission of PIEI is to promote world evangelization by establishing partnerships with national Christian missionaries to share spiritual, financial and material resources.
Partners in Evangelism International focuses on establishing and supporting national ministries around the world.
How it works:
Forming a Partnership Committee in the US - made up of volunteers who have a specific country on their hearts - or getting involved with an already existing Partnership in a PIEI Supported Country.
Getting connected with a national missionary.
Finding Supporting Partners: churches, families, or individuals, who have a special love and interest in a specific national or ministry.
Our US Partnering Committee in the States consists of EIGHT members. Each member is a volunteer, willing to contribute to the ministry themselves. Each one is responsible for their own travel expenses for fundraising and visits to the field. We have a chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. Our chairperson attends the annual board meeting of PIEI, bringing a budget and a report to the meeting agreed upon together with Rev. Gitau and the National Committee. The US Partnering Committee is responsible for any nationals that visit the States.
Rev. Joseph Gitau Wainaina is the PIEI-WOT-KENYA National Director.
Rev. Gitau supervises all PIEI-WOT-KENYA missionaries and ministries in Kenya and reports to the national committee and the US partnership committee what is happening in the ministry. He oversees all of the ministry work being done in Kenya. He is also present at all meetings of the National Committee.
We have an organized National Committee in Kenya made up of three nationals. Each of these members are in agreement with the statement of faith and purpose of Partners in Evangelism International. This committee must submit an annual budget for WOT. All funds donated to PIEI-WOT must be used as designated and reported to the National Director and the US Partnering Committee.. This is done through a quarterly financial report sent by the treasurer of the National Committee. All reports sent to the US Partnering Committee are forwarded to PIEI.