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We Live, We Love,
We Serve

I, Joseph, was born and raised in Kenya, Africa. I come from a big family of 10 children, two brothers and seven sisters. Having been brought up in a Christian home, going to church was non-negotiable. Because of that, I thought that going to church was equal to salvation. It’s until in grade 5 that the message of salvation was shared to me and I decided to accept Christ as my Lord and Savior. 

After high school in year 2003, God opened an opportunity for me to go to Bible College here in Kenya. I graduated in year 2009 with Diploma in Bible and Theology. I served as a local church Pastor for two years plus being a chaplain in a children’s home till the Lord opened a way for me and my wife to come to the US to study. 

Moody is a big and respected name here in Kenya. When I was in Bible College, I read many books which were published by Moody Press. I always admired and wanted to go to Moody but because of my humble background, I knew that it would not happen. But I was wrong. A couple from Michigan {Al & Marsha McCarty} who we had come to know personally felt the Lord calling them to bring us to the US for studies and then send us back to Kenya to equip our own people. 

Moody was a great help in my life. Spiritual formation class and discipleship helped to shape me and remind me that life is about disciple-making. The great thing is that I could see that from my professors. Their desire to spend time with us and wanting to know us personally. They greatly shaped in character, family and ministry. The desire for the professors to invest their lives in mine has been a constant reminder in my life today on what I should be doing as I train Pastors here in Kenya. This goes in line with what Paul told Timothy, “The things which you have heard from me … entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). That’s what was done to me by professors at Moody and that’s exactly what I am doing here in Kenya equipping the equippers who would not have gone to any training institution because of their lack of funds and limited education. We are training Pastors and Christian leaders for free.   

Rev. Joseph Gitau Wainaina is the Founder and Director of Word of Truth.  He serves with Partners In Evangelism International as the National Director over the ministry. Jane, his wife, works by his side.

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Our Story

Although Kenya is said to be 85.3% Christian, the reality is that most people’s faith is a mile wide but a foot deep. Sound biblical training along with intensive discipleship is needed to change the devastating ethnic violence, AIDS pandemic, bad governance, massive corruption, and increasing poverty. 

The rapid numerical growth of Christians has exposed weaknesses of numerical growth without appropriate spiritual growth.  The church growth in Kenya is impressive but many Christians are faced with the lack of good discipleship. Observers have noted that the disproportionate ratio of the trained pastors to the planted churches makes it very difficult to adequately disciple Christians in the church. 

That is the reason why Word of Truth Christian resource & Training center was born. Since January 2016, we have sought to train men and women in the Word of God and in the work of ministry so that they can narrow the gap of the trained pastors in the ministry. We especially reach out to those church leaders who cannot afford to go the already established Bible Schools and those who do not qualify due to their academic credentials. 

For the last four years, we have graduated 90 Pastors and church leaders who are now advancing the Kingdom of God in their communities. Many of our graduates have an average of 50 church members; you can just imagine the impact they are making with the training that they have received. Equipping someone who will go and equip others go a long way in the kingdom building. The words of Paul to Timothy continues to be our guide as we enter into our fifth year; “And what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (2 Timothy 2:2). 

Equipping the Equippers

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